For somebody who doesn't like to take naps, Brookie was sure passed out on Daddy.  But then again, what girl could resist snuggling with a handsome guy with the ocean in the background?
Brooklynn started crawling about a month ago. She is a little explorer when she is not chasing after Aiden. I guess it is time to bring the gate up from basement and lock down the kitchen and play area  so mommy is not chasing her around the house as well. Just when I got used to not having to hop over a baby gate to go to the bathroom :)
Brookie is starting to get up on all fours and bounce back and forth. However, at the same time she has been able to stand next to the ottoman. So the question will be if she walks or crawls first. My vote is she will walk to try and keep up with Aiden.
Brooklynn had her first drink of water today. She liked it but had a little trouble sucking the water through the valve. She also still refuses to eat peas w out making a yucky face....
Brooklynn loved being a lamb